-Before replacing cones or brushes, unplug the unit from the wall.
-After replacing cones or brushes and before using the Beck Shoe Polisher, test the unit to ensure the components are secure and no slippage, imbalance, or rattle occurs.
To Replace Brushes:
-Gently pull brush away from body of unit until the elastic strap is visible. Using the short arm of hex wrench, gently hook and slide the elastic band over the edge of the cone.
-Slide new brush over the cone and slip the elastic strap over the cone and toward the cone hub.
To Replace Cones:
-Cones can be removed with or without the brushes installed. Refer to instructions above if removing the brushes is preferred, then proceed to the next step.
-Rotate the cone until the lock screw is visible on the cone hub.
-Loosen the lock screw using the hex wrench and remove cone from motor shaft.
-Slide new cone onto the motor shaft while ensuring the lock screw is aligned with the flat surface of the motor shaft. Slide the cone hub until it makes contact with the shoulder on the motor shaft. If a shoulder is not present on your model, place the hex wrench into the lock screw and slide the cone onto the shaft until the hex wrench makes contact with the housing.
-Tighten the lock screw and remove hex wrench.